
9 Ways to Successfully Master Your Goals

vision board

“I’ve created my vision board, nothing is happening, now what?!?”

If I had a dime for every time I have heard that one, I’d be in Hawaii with a cabana boy bringing me drinks.

The reason why visioning boards don’t work is human error. If all of my vision boards, goal setting and ‘believing’ had worked in my twenties I would be a size 2, billionaire with my own private island and minions.


Here are the top 9 ways we sabotage ourselves in reaching our goals.


  1. Lack of Clarity – Are you really clear about what you want? Or are you going for something that you think you should want? The best way to figure this out is ask yourself “Why?” Why do you want to achieve this goal? Do you feel inspired when thinking about this goal? How is it going to enhance your life? If you love how this goal makes you feel as a result of achieving it, then add more detail.  If you are smiling while you think about that answer half the work is done.


  1. Doubt – Doubt is the number one goal squasher. Do you believe you can have and deserve what you desire? Guess what, doubt is sneaky, when you catch yourself thinking things like “maybe I am wanting too much” or “I don’t know if it is going to happen” you are doubting. Doubting also shows you just how worthy you think you are to have what you desire.


  1. Unrealistic Expectations – Once you have clarity and set your goals and you are working your part what is your time frame before you grow inpatient, which by the way, is another form of doubt. Some have a two week cycle of creating the vision, believing then giving up. Well let me tell you it took nine months to create you; don’t sell your dreams short. If you find that looking at your vision board brings frustration rather than joy, it is time to look at where your fear is and make some adjustments to your goals that better align with where you are at in receiving.


  1. Fear – Ever want something so much that you are almost afraid to have it because it could go away? What if having the success you desire is burdensome in some way? Do you find yourself feeling worried about what you have to give up in order to achieve a better goal? Yeah, that is fear coming to play. Let’s face it; we are creatures of habit and comfort. Change is uncomfortable. The best way to deal with fear is go into it. Ask yourself, “Who would I be if I were fearless?” What is more fulfilling: status quo or going for it? It is important to acknowledge your fears because it deflates them and keeps you on track.

stay open to receive

  1. Not Receiving – Are you really ready to receive? Do you give yourself the opportunity to receive everyday? If you are not doing that, then you are not going to achieve your goals as you desire them. Receiving looks like accepting a cup of coffee, a compliment, a dinner, additional percentage off at the register, taking advantage an offer. Say ‘YES’ to opportunity. Be in receiving mode ALL the time.


  1. Lack of Gratitude – Receiving and gratitude go hand in hand because when you are expressing gratitude it automatically opens you to receive. They run on the same mental, emotional and spiritual channel. It’s simple, want more in your life? Express gratitude every single day. It looks like this, being specifically grateful for what you already have, the people in your life and the beauty around you. Example: I am grateful for my husband because he is soooo much better at the minutia of computer design work than I am. Notice, it’s easy to be grateful for something. It’s important to acknowledge why in that moment you are grateful for it.


  1. Tunnel Vision – “So, I want to manifest a 2016 dark blue Honda Pilot with the complete package, rear camera, back-up sensors, leather seats, dual DVD player, Wi-Fi and heated seats.”  All that is great! However, notice every time you think of your goal, if you have an expectation as to “how” it’s suppose to happen. That “how” creates an obstacle, if it is the main focus of the ‘thing’ coming to you. Be open to your goal manifesting the best way possible for you, which can end up being far better than you could ever imagine. Trust me on this one I have lived it A LOT!


  1. Not Making Adjustments – So, you have your goals, you’re on your way, things are clicking, but you notice you are losing enthusiasm for one of your goals. Why? Well, maybe you have had some new ideas; maybe something about that goal has changed for you. Adjust the goal to what fits you now. For instance,  you’ve discovered the Chevrolet Traverse gets far better gas mileage, has On Star and is a more comfortable ride for long trips. It’s okay to switch up the goal along the way because you gained additional clarity. Staying aligned mentally, spiritually and visually is key.


  1. In ability to LET GO – Huge factor! Once you have clarification,walked through fear and doubt, and are in a mode of gratitude you are only job is to stay focused, do something every day toward your goal, maintain the vision and receive. Take 5 minutes to simply connect to your end result. Visit for a moment what is life like now that you have achieved your goal as if it has already happened. Take action, make new connections, test drive that vehicle, make a phone call, do what is right for you and RELAX.

Finally, the biggest part of your visioning tool box is YOU! It’s your divine inspiration that has led you to desire what you want to achieve. It’s time to define it and fearlessly go after it. You truly have nothing to lose except time and wondering what if. I have yet to hear anyone regret having ‘gone for it’. Be creative. These are your goals. Its no one else’s business what they are, why you have them and how you get there.

I do fully believe that visualization tools do wonders in helping you stay emotionally and spiritually connected while inspiring you to take action toward your goals. Here are some great tools to keep you connected to your end result.

Mind Movies – This is one you build yourself. You can make it as detailed as you want and even create your own soundtrack to go with it. Imagine starting your computer everyday to your own soundtrack that connects to your vision.

Pinterest – It’s great for creating boards to help you clarify what you really want. Also good for printing out the visuals to have where you can see them daily.

Vision Board App – There’s an app for that! Great tool to have at your fingertips. It’s a whole left brain/right brain thing I will get into in another blog post.


Becca GThe advantages of working with Kim over a sustained period of time are that she works with you on a highly individualized basis and never forgets previous discussions, ailments or patterns. The time and care she devotes to helping you achieve a positive and meaningful life exceeds any other professional I’ve ever worked with. ~ Rebecca Grey, HR professional


About Kim

by Marlisa Williams PhotographySometimes referred to as the ‘Bad Ass Intuitive Business Coach.’ This is because she is able to quickly laser in on the transformation you desire, see where your resistance is to change and gently guide you to create your highest level of success. Through the process you create a strong strategy that works for you while increasing your confidence to ‘get out there and do it!’ She believes in instant results to propel you forward instead of staying stuck in struggle and lack. She does this through powerful one on one coaching and group programs.

As Kim says, ‘I help my clients transform their inner world so that they can experience lasting success in their outer world.’

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